April 2020 - Something Fashion | Blog by Amanda R.

Outfits #stayathome edition

#stayathome 9:00 AM
So, as a lot of us are currently under lockdown and working from home, I thought why not share some outfit inspiration to stay at home during this quarantine? I was used to working from home and staying long periods of time locked down due to University tasks and recently, because of my work as co-founder of my own architecture studio. I already...

Sporty high sneakers + dress in Verona

bloggers valencia 9:00 AM
A little throwback to a couple of years ago, in my Erasmus year living in Italy. I did not remember that I had these photographs, this outfit, and this article prepared but which I never published here. I guess now is a good time to look back and see the wonderful places that await us when we get out of quarantine. I took these...

A very special Birthday gift with Saal Digital

birthday gift 9:00 AM
ENG First of all, and given the historical situation we are currently living in, due to a respiratory virus which is affecting and getting so many people ill, I really hope you are all safe and sound and, among all, please #stayathome. During these days that are being pretty hard and weird for everyone, I have lived virtually the birthdays of two of...

About Amanda

About [span]me[/span]

Hi! I'm Amanda, from Valencia (Spain).

I like all things vintage and classy. I study Architecture and I'm an epée fencer.

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