#signaturelook: what it is and how to achieve your own one
9:00 AM
At the time of my teenage years and part of my early adulthood, my style when dressing up was quite unclear and undefined. The years of High School and first years of University were a coming and going of school and extracurricular activities, changes of daily routines and changes of fashion taste and personal needs. I have always considered my personal style as mature taking vintage inspirations; some think that even a little old-lady-like. But, in the end, it is how I feel comfortable and my personal trademark: wearing my lips stained with color, dark hair (I have never dyed it) and clothes that sometimes are taken from other times, mixed with more current elements. It is my personal seal. It's how I am, and what makes me happy when I see myself in the mirror and what makes others recognize me from a distance.
"Your #signaturelook is your style essence packed in an outfit. It is your identity translated into clothes"
My friends always tell me that I have a very particular style, that only me, as Amanda, could wear, and which is inimitable. That does not mean that #signaturelook means having the exact same outfit, repeating your clothes over and over again, or that it has to be bold and striking. The signature look philosophy means self-knowledge, knowing what fits you well, what characterizes you and what identifies you in comparison to others. As an example, I've been into fluid culotte pants recently, like these that I'm wearing from Shein, and have turned them into the key piece of all my outfits. They are comfortable to go to work, but they are also in style to go to classes or meet with my friends for drinks, so I have them in different colors and I combine them with different top pieces depending on the event. So, I think I can provide a couple of tips on how to achieve your own signature look.
#1 Find inspiration
For this task, I love Pinterest. If I had more time (to cut and paste, to print and create something nice and aesthetically pleasant) and space in my room, I would create mood boards to paste and make collages of colors, shapes, and things that I like, but for this task, the digital panels at the social network of the pushpin work fine.
My advice is for you to create groups of things that you like and try to find a pattern. You do not need to be too specific, and it's usually easy to detect if you're leaning towards softer or stronger colors, if you're into minimalist makeup, or if you like animal print.
#2 Pick some key pieces and play around them
Once you have found that pattern, try finding pieces with which you feel comfortable and identified with. I've realized lately that I always wear black bottom pieces and stronger colors in shirts and upper parts. The firsts are usually made of very clean and defined lines (I love pencil skirts, I love culotte pants with darts at the waist and I also love dark skinny jeans) while the upper parts are usually very bold in color. I always follow that pattern, so, although sometimes I try to get risky about it, when I do not feel too inspired to dress up, I always go for that combination of clothes.
#3 Stock your wardrobe
Do find your wardrobe needs and stock it proportionally. I personally like to choose different versions of the same piece (pants in different colors, tops in regular length and cropped, with the same shape but patterned and plain color...) so I can mix very few pieces in multiple ways. It follows a little bit the capsule wardrobe philosophy, but I feel like #signaturelook goes beyond that. You don't have to stick to a close number of pieces but instead, you have the chance to play, change and tweak the clothes' scheme to infinite possibilities.

I was wearing:
SHEIN culotte pants & blouse (similar here)
Cortefiel jeweled sandals
Vintage hoop earrings

“This blog post was sponsored by Shein”
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