10 statement vintage pieces to have in your closet
9:00 AM
I get asked a lot of times how I always get to combine my clothing to achieve a classy and atemporal look. I personally don't find that I dress in any special way: it's just the way I am. I like classical cuts, darts that help put everything right in place and materials that enhance my shape. But, if there's something that might be very characteristical on my fashion view might be adding a vintage, old piece or something new but antique-inspired to almost any outfit I might put on. I realized that since I started thrift-shopping and discovering little by little the bast world of vintage clothing my outfits and view to my daily wear changed drastically. I know that some people might be a bit reluctant to step into a shop that might smell funny (I promise that once you get used to it, it doesn't at all) or who might find nasty to wear clothes that once belonged to anyone else.
So, in today's post, I would like to show you some ideas to all of you who are thinking of adding (maybe for the first time) a vintage piece of clothing (or maybe an accessory) to your closet. These are my 10 statement vintage pieces to have in your closet.
#1 The dress you could always live in
I confess that I may have lost count of all the vintage dresses that I have in my closet, but, I just can't help it! All of them have a story or a special origin and, although the vast majority of them are from the 70's or the 80's (which is not a very great antiquity) I keep them as if they were 1000-year-old treasures.
#2 A vintage bag to rely on
Vintage bags are THE thing to invest on. If you ever find an antique bag with its main materials in good shape and condition, keep it. Usually, those made of leather support fairly well the goes and byes of the years, and if they've remained like that until today, must be because of something, isn't it? Although they might seem a bit pricey at the beginning, here my advice is saving a little money to invest in an iconic, timeless bag. It doesn't even have to be designer: there are some shapes, handle types and closure types that don't go out of style.
#3 If vintage-wear seems a bit nasty, why not try with accessories?
I remember that when I first put a foot in fashion blogging and then, started looking for antique additions to my wardrobe, a few of my very vintage and rescued old pieces coming from thrift-shops and second-hand stores of all sorts were accessories. I don't know, I just didn't know exactly how to fit in those dresses and wide-shoulder blouses and trenches, so back then I stuck with accessories as bags, scarves or belts among others. I know vintage and pre-owned clothing are not for everyone, so my advice here is to find that spot you feel comfortable on and start discovering this amazing side of fashion by adding a few statement (and from another era) pieces to your wardrobe.
#4 THAT vintage coat to spend the coldest Winters wrapped in
The great news is that is very easy to find non-expensive, pretty cool and very great quality coats when entering into any place trading vintage or pre-owned items. The ones made of wool, cashmere or gabardine fabric are among all the best pieces you could find. Be aware of fitting (try it on before anything!) and touch it to check on the texture and condition of the exterior and interior fabrics and linens. Also, check the buttons and extras such as zippers, and if there's anything missing, value if it's worth to replace them or make them fixed.
I don't know in other places but, in my city's vintage, thrift stores and second-hand shops are pretty easy to find anything from Levi's to Lee jeans from 80's-90's era. Cropped, washed, longer, shorter... I have even convinced some of my friends who are not very into fashion or vintage to try on a pair of those and they loved it! There's something very neutral and classy going on in the colors, shapes, and cut of these jeans which are very rare nowadays... And they're usually half the price of a brand news!
#6 50's high-waisted shape trousers
In Winter with a pair of tights or high warm socks underneath and a monochromatic sweater, or in Spring with blouses or light shirts, high-waisted trousers are everything! When you wear pieces so iconic and classy as those, you don't need any more extras to elevate your outfit. Keep it simple and clean and you're done!
#7 Something furryNo-one needs an explanation on this one! Fur coats, vests, hats or hairpieces of any shape and color are a nice addition to your wardrobe anytime they're in great condition and feel as warm and fluffy as possible.
#8 The signature vintage scarf
It's pretty easy to find great quality and affordable 60's-70's silk scarves in vintage and second-hand stores. The vast majority of these scarves have very interesting and colorful patterns and will add character to any outfit. My favorite vintage scarves to be found in thrift stores are those inspired by Hermès and Chanel, with jewelry and animal print motifs.
#9 The cute tan, trench coat inspired by Burberry
As we were saying above, gabardine fabric is a nice addition to any closet lacking a vintage touch of gleam. Trench coats are also easy to find, and depending on the era you'll find them longer or hip-height, with greater lapels or some details in sleeves and shoulders. Find the one that fits you and as always, don't be afraid to try every single one on. You never know!
#10 Hats? Vintage hats are always a nice idea
Hats, and especially those vintage or inspired in other eras although being brand new, have the capability of adding that je ne sais quoi, those finishing touches to any outfit. Here in Italy, I've found pretty affordable and great quality ones at different flea markets, always varying in color and shape. I personally love those with 30's-40's asymmetrical shapes that frame the face, and the ones which are just a little felt piece with bows or feathers resembling caps and turbans. Lately, I've been super into trying new bright colors and adding hats to my wardrobe in quality of statement pieces but, you can actually choose to get them in more neutral colors and blend it all.
4 comentarios
Que bonito todo!!besos
ReplyDeleteHola! Muchas gracias!! :)
DeleteExcelentes sugerencias !
ReplyDeleteYo sin darme cuenta, creo que llevo casi a diario alguna pieza vintage.
Un buen pañuelo vintage gigante, un bolso de piel, prendedores vintage y un buen abrigo no deben faltar jamás-
Hola!! Creo que el vintage es maravilloso <3 Creo que una buena prenda vintage a la que se le ha dado un poco de cariño y conservado en buen estado (o recuperado; creo que los profesionales de la tintorería son los verdaderos superhéroes del siglo XXI cuando se trata de dramas fashionistas) da muchísimo carácter y estilo a cualquier estilismo. ¡Puede convertir algo tan sencillo como unos tejanos y una camiseta en algo único!
DeleteMuchas gracias por tu comentario :)
Un saludo!