10 things that will make you look better in front of the camera (as a fashion blogger)
9:00 AM
It's been already 6 years since I started fashion blogging around here, and I can't tell you how terrifying it is looking back at my old pictures and think "what the heck I was thinking with that pose/face/outfit?". Keeping a fashion blog has been an amazing, unexpected way to see some sort of evolution not only in my looks, but also on my way to understand my surroundings, improve my writing and comprehension in English and last but not least, see how I myself have changed among the years that I've been keeping this blog.
In today's post, I wanted to share some useful tips that I've been using as a fashion blogger to look better in my #OOTD pictures, and which I've been working on and putting into practice for several years until today! With these 10 things that will make you look better in front of the camera, I aim to encourage you to participate and get more involved in your photo shoots, give ideas to your photographer if you have one or experiment with different aspects if you're a tripod+remote fashion-blogger as I've been lately. So, let's get started!
#1 Get inspired
Come on guys, we live in the digital era, where access to information is not only easy but also quick! Nowadays there're plenty of sources of inspiration full of imagery, graphics, professional artworks and albums in just a click! Before your next photo shoot for fashion blogging, I recommend you to look for some inspiration, may it be in others' blogs or on Pinterest! Pinterest boards are a great source to look for street style and outfit inspiration, poses, lighting, background, edition tools... All that in a very organized place due to this social network's structure. There are even bloggers who post about their personal tips to get the perfect fashion picture and explode your blog content, as Kotryna Bass.

#2 Use props
It's been only a short time since I first started using props, or atrezzo in my fashion blog pictures, and the fact is that I absolutely love how they look and how different some pictures look while interacting with your surroundings, objects and things near you.
A prop can be almost anything! A bench to sit on or to stand tall on, a couple of funny balloons (haven't tried that yet, but maybe someday...) a balustrade to lean on, a different pose on a terrace to give prominence to the landscape in the photo... There are a lot of things that can spice up your fashion blogging pictures, you just have to interact and pay attention!
#3 Know yourself better than anyone
It's said that most of the time ourselves are our worst enemies and judges, but it is also true that "the best you know yourself, the better your relationship with the rest of the world" (Toni Collette). You are the best at knowing your best features, your best angles, and expressions. Sometimes I've been asked by some acquaintances why I don't "try with this style of clothing, or try to wear this or that" and my answer is always the same! "Because I know myself so much, I know it won't suit me at all"
So, my tip in this is to trust your gut. Give 200% of your very best self when doing not only a fashion shoot for your blog but also to deal with anything in life. You are the best at knowing if a smile suits your face, or if you master a mysterious facial expression.

#4 Relax
Posing and being in front of a camera might not be the easiest thing in the world, but... Relax! Are there any people watching weirdly or asking confusing questions about your outfit? Let them be, and smile. Everything will be alright. Relax your shoulders and posture, expression and gestures. Concentrate and enjoy the shooting as best as you can!
Posing and being in front of a camera might not be the easiest thing in the world, but... Relax! Are there any people watching weirdly or asking confusing questions about your outfit? Let them be, and smile. Everything will be alright. Relax your shoulders and posture, expression and gestures. Concentrate and enjoy the shooting as best as you can!
#5 Trust your photographer
Except if you are using a tripod + remote for your fashion blog pictures (as I've been experimenting with recently) you will be likely to pose and rehearse in front of a someone who will take your fashion blog pictures. If it's a friend or acquaintance who isn't very versed in photography, you might give some basic directions and pray for digital post-production (which is on your own, of course) to do its magic.
On the contrary, if it's a professional photographer or someone familiar with some hints on how to use a DSLR camera, trust them! They are the ones watching through the lens, and their job (or hobby. Well, you understood) is to make you look as flawless as possible. Trust them!

#6 Get moving!
Don't stand quiet all the time, or you'll end up just like me posing in front of the same backgrounds over and over again, and repeating weird faces because you don't know what else to do. Instead, do something and move! I love when a fashion picture expresses some action, and there are actually a lot of things you can do to achieve it: twirl to show that amazing round skirt or dress, dance to show how tough your new hairpiece is, walk and focus on your feet...
#7 Be yourself
This one never gets old, and I can't say it enough: be yourself! You are the best at knowing your flaws and virtues. So, whenever you are on a photoshoot, or posing for a fashion post or anything... Don't be fake and try on poses, outfits or whatever you wouldn't ever dare try on a normal basis, it just won't work. Of course, experiment and have fun (who wouldn't want to get a bit disguised, or over made-up some day?) but always being who you are and not anybody else.

#8 Use your hands
I must say I always miss this one. I never know what to do with my hands when posing for a picture. Instead, I think there are a lot of amazing forgotten detail shots to be taken if you use properly your hands to do a gesture, to interact with a prop, to show some accesories... Get creative! Be natural, and play with your bag handles, pretend you are fixing your hair, tying a shoelace... Almost anything can work out beautifully.
#9 You have a set full of expressions
Nowadays is easy as pie to grab any smartphone and do some selfies while playing with weird faces and different facial expressions. You might be surprised how much we can get to discover about ourselves by just trying different angles, lighting and funny expressions. In my case, it was posing in front of a tripod and taking innumerable pictures until I finally figured out what looked great in me. Explode those on your next fashion post and you'll succeed!
#10 Have fun over all
4 comentarios
These are really great tips! I will keep them in mind the next time I head out for an ootd shoot! <3
ReplyDeleteAngelie // What Men Like in Women’s Clothes
Hi Amanda! I had a hard time cutting my hair short before... http://www.raellarina.net/2015/06/on-cutting-my-hair-short.html
ReplyDeletelike from super long merida-like hair to super short. i got teary eyed haha. But now, i'm fine with it. But I do understand how you feel. :)
Anyway, great post amanda! really helpful. I've been blogging for 6 years now but i am still so awkward, most of the time. ahaha
xoxo, rae
These are such great tips! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteGreat ideas :)
ReplyDeleteI take my own pictures and the issue is always location and time...