When I first assembled my bags and luggage for my year abroad in Italy, I already had a subtle idea on what absolutely not to wear in an ancient European city with 90% of its streets covered in cobblestones. Plus, I had to deal with the fact that I would have to walk to University at last 3-4 days a week (finally, I managed to cut it to only 3 days of lessons in my weekly schedule), and be real about coming to Firenze not only to shoot cool fashion pictures and eat delicious food, but also attend to lectures and comply with my academical duties.
I must say, I'm not a very sneaker-kind-of-girl, except for those times where I'm in my most sporty mood so, I loaded my bags with tons of flats and comfy ballerina shoes to walk in. What I never counted on is that those lovely cobblestoned streets would be of super poor maintenance, and that even my most comfortable flat shoes would get stuck at those huge holes between stones. I suddenly started missing my sneakers.
So, when Zaful asked me to assemble a post with a Fall outfit a la italiana and share with you some Fall essentials to bring to the city of Renaissance, I knew for sure that these sparkly, jeweled sneakers would be the perfect choice to put on a cobblestoned-friendly but still fashionable look. I must confess I'm no big fan of wearing fancy fabrics or jewelry near the floor -I'm just too clumsy and I always end up ruining beautiful shoes- but these sneakers with rhinestones looked so lovely and so versatile I couldn't just miss them. Plus, I am surprised and very pleased not only about the design of the shoes, but also about the overall quality of the black suede fabric and the soles, which are quite thick and able to protect my feet amazingly.
If I were asked about how helpful and how attentive Zaful's team was, I couldn't ask for a better client support which answered all my annoying questions and doubts. Although the delivery took a little more than I expected, it paid off to stay home a couple of mornings waiting for the postman, as now I can finally pair my dresses and dressy skirts on a more casual, but still fashionable and super comfortable way to do endless walks through the Arno riverside.