Designing for the future - What will fashion be like?
9:00 AM
What fashion will be like in, let's say ten years? And how will it be shaped in the coming century? Since I finished this uni year, I've been reading and doing research on different fields. Like, A LOT. Investigation is one of my favorite tasks to do and writing about fashion is just a little hint of a whole, let's name "hobby" I just can't keep on during the academic year (but which I hope I can focus once I finish the Architecture degree). Talking about reading, this past week I've been indulging with a book written by professor Alberto Campo Baeza which name is "I want to be an architect". On this book (which is super light and nice to read) he discusses why we should be concerned about design and why it is important to keep working with correction and rigurosity in any field we decide to partake.
I always have tried to apply that discipline and habits of mine when it comes to architecture to anything related to blogging and specially, blogging about fashion. That includes a lot of thinking over what is yet to come to fashion affairs. If anything, I think there are three key elements that define the matter and which couldn't work if there's only one of them missing; which are materials, workflow and the final step and receiver talking about fashion retail: the consumer.
"Designing the future is looking for and finding beauty to make mankind happy [...] Designing the future is to project living with intensity the present and understanding the past nicely". Alberto Campo Baeza
To start, there's a lot to say in terms of fashion materials for the future. Synthetic, eco-fibers and sustainable materials will lead the way and promote new ways of designing fashion without damaging the planet. Fashion will be produced in a way that will be close to zero waste and the source materials used will be so technologically advanced as to increase the oxygen available in the air, or either turn into any kind of plants when we can't use that piece in our wardrobe any longer.
The workflow of the future fashion design will be boosted thanks to technologies which will improve and accelerate all the manufacturing processes. 3-D printing will allow to print at home our own custom and high-tech fabrics. Design is not only about the creative process, but also is meant to improve society and economy. Hopefully, designing for the future will mean having a more equal, fair and sustainable manufacturing chain. It will also mean designing taking into account not only the first consumer of the finished fashion product, but also fashion will be thoughtful of the many lives a piece of clothing is able to have by reusing and recycling. Fashion will be more participative, and more customizable even on the first phases of designing. If it's already possible to turn into reality almost any kind of design just sketching it, in the future it will go even further.
And, last but not least, designing for the future will be all but create with people and for the people. Create for the world which is yet to come. To look for the best way of achieving goals, of optimizing the available materials and resources. Designing for the future is an open door leading to countless opportunities.

“This blog post is a part of Design Blogger Competition organized by CGTrader”
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