Feeling a bit overwhelmed
10:00 AM
Haven't you ever felt like you'd need a 72-hours day to accomplish everything you should be doing in just one regular, working day? That's me, currently. I must say that I've been like this since I started University, but in the last two years I just feel like I can't handle everything I'm up to. First, I was just looking for the feeling of belonging to something. Helping others. Joining and participating in exciting projects, activities and groups. And still manage to practise fencing, go out, keep up with the blog and of course, accomplish all the due dates with projects and homework. Impossible.
I feel like I've just got to the point when I'm absolutely overwhelmed and I'm not able just to accomplish everything I'm supposed to do, but not even half of the tasks I've planned for the day. My mind has just said "STOP IT", and my body is about to, soon. I still try to manage everything, and be consequent to the decisions I made in the past, to accomplish some promises I made to friends and work groups, but I'm just trying to take it as easy as I can or I'll turn nuts.
If you've been reading and knowing me for some time, you must know I'm a travel lover. Since I started studying Architecture I knew I didn't want to go outside Spain to finish the degree, but now things have changed a little, and the need of fresh air and taking a much needed time for myself has led me to the decision of leaving for an Erasmus scholarship next year. That adds a little bit of stress about the overwhelming routine I'm currently living in, as I enrolled an intensive course to get an advanced English degree by the start of December. If everything goes as planned, I'll be asking for a place at TU Delft, Netherlands (no need of Dutch by the moment, but I find very interesting to learn it too... Maybe if I get accepted there!) so I can finish my 5th year there and breathe some fresh air. Meet new people. Keep up with fencing, which I had to leave behind because of time lack. Learn new ways to approach architecture, design and fashion.
Although I'm already exhausted because of the times and routines I'm currently taking (and it's hardly mid October!), I'm super excited of having something to fight for and focus on this new course, as I feel like it was a very long time ago the last time I had the will of doing something as huge as this. Everyone who has taken an Erasmus always end up telling me how great and life changing the experience was, and I want to feel that as well.

I was wearing:
Vintage flower earrings
Local store one-shoulder red top
Green Coast skirt
Zara bag
Stonefly sandals

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