Green fit dress + DIY modern clutch

10:00 AM

something fashion valencia blogger spain, DIY clutch modern fake leather, green dress maxmara sportmax

Designing and creating things from scratch are on my soon-to-be architect's DNA. Creating my own clothing and accessories is something I've always found fascinating, as it turns something into an unique, personal piece with hints of our personal stories and souls. Once I entered to Architecture School, I discovered I could design not only for myself, but also win prizes and create brand new concepts for contests and competitions, both talking about architecture and fashion design. This orange and black fake-leather clutch I'm wearing was the result of one of those design competitions, and I loved so much how the prototype ended looking that I'm making plans for it.

I don't really agree on how the contest organization managed the deposit, shipping and returning of the pieces, but thanks to a friend I got the clutch back and so, I wanted to share the idea with you.
The clutch outline is basically related to the concept of the modern era and early years of the 20th Century industrialized cities, as some illustrations of italian architect Antonio Sant'Elia depict on a series of black, grey and orange drawings. The design follows the basic shapes and process I followed on my early clutch prototypes but this time I added these black, vertical stripes evoking chimneys. It is a quite simple and plain design, but I ended happy with the result and the experimentation process, which I always encourage people to try on their own.

I've always liked how orange and green look together as bright colors. Paired with some black details, it ends as an interesting color block outfit approach, don't you think so?

something fashion valencia blogger spain, DIY clutch modern fake leather, green dress maxmara sportmax

something fashion valencia blogger spain, DIY clutch modern fake leather, green dress maxmara sportmax
I was wearing:

Zara sandals
SportsMax green dress
Earrings from local store
DIY fake leather modern clutch

something fashion valencia blogger spain, DIY clutch modern fake leather, green dress maxmara sportmax

something fashion valencia blogger spain, DIY clutch modern fake leather, green dress maxmara sportmax

something fashion valencia blogger spain, DIY clutch modern fake leather, green dress maxmara sportmax

something fashion valencia blogger spain, DIY clutch modern fake leather, green dress maxmara sportmax

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About Amanda

About [span]me[/span]

Hi! I'm Amanda, from Valencia (Spain).

I like all things vintage and classy. I study Architecture and I'm an epée fencer.

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