I must confess I suffer from a massive Diogenes syndrome when it comes to fashion. I keep everything. I was taught since I was a little child to take care of everything I got my hands on, so it's not rare to still find on my closet pieces from my teenagehood that have been kept on almost their original condition, fairly new.
So, when it comes to organisation everything is a bit tricky. Not only I've been accumulating tons and tons of clothes during years, but also since I renewed 100% my room furnishing 2 years ago I've become more conscious not only on how much clothes I own, but also how many of those pieces I really wear on a daily basis, and most important: how I store them. Doing a closet rehab may be the best way to get into the budget fashionista path. That's why on this post, I want to show you some tips on how to start organizing your closet (bigger or smaller, walk-in or cupboard), finding space on places where it seems impossible to, and also some personal advice on how I keep my clothes stored.