Winter sportwear: Outdoors Vs. Indoors
7:36 PM
Winter is my laziest season to workout. I must admit that almost like every human, there's too much coziness on the sofa, enjoying a hot cocoa mug on my pajama's when cold air is striking outside. But, as an sportswoman for a big part of my life, sticking to a workout routine and accomplishing it is something I've got used to. Discipline is everything, and now that I don't follow a regular fencing training routine I must stay true to myself and set little goals so I can at least, get off the couch and move my body.
I was approached by Laryssa from Farfetch to share with you some workout style ideas I would love to wear on the cooler winter evenings, and pair some outfits with them. I must say that being a fencer during the last 6 years of my life has made me very sensitive to low temperatures, as fencing is an indoors sport where you're not really exposed to the weather. May it be freezing outside, raining or snowing, you still can stretch and play with swords. So, every time I got to the club, I remember wearing at least two different outfits out of one, consisting on tons of layers I would be peeling off like an onion, depending on our daily routine. Jacket and long, thick-fabric sweatpants were absolutely required if we had to warm up on the outside. That was my most hated part of the evening.

When working out, OUT -literally- I would say keeping as cozy and warm as possible is key. I usually keep my headphones the closest possible, so I can hear to my favorite tracks while I start warming up. As always, a nice pair of trainers that fit you not only when talking about size, but also feet shape and step will be the key to get the most out of your training routine.
About jackets and sweatshirts, when out I usually prefer, lightest possible pieces which do not carry hood and the lowest number of pockets possible. They annoy me like you couldn't ever imagine! A pair of socks is also a nice idea to keep in mind.

When doing sporty activities on the indoors, there are some chances you'll be warming up very quickly, and you'll start feeling heavy and tired soon if you wear too much clothes! Instead, try my "onion-layers" trick, and start by wearing the heaviest clothing layers when starting your workout routine, then start removing layers as the training intensity progresses. For our fencing sessions I used to wear my shorts under a pair of long sweatpants, and a regular T-shirt under a sweatshirt.
I don't usually wear jewelry or any accessories to training sessions. It's uncomfortable and sometimes they don't allow you to concentrate on your routine because you're more focused on your earring sliding off your ear, or your necklace sticking to your neck. Instead of that, hair accessories like headbands, turbans and any kind of bobby pins were my best allies to keep my hair off my face, and comfortable enough to wear those fencing masks we usually practice with. As important as your sport shoes are, I would say your underwear is too, remember that!

T by ALEXANDER WANG shorts // T by ALEXANDER WANG T-shirt // NEIL BARRETT sweatshirt // LIVE THE PROCESS turban // Hogan trainers // LIVE THE PROCESS sport-bra
This post is taking part into Farfetch's sportwear fashion blogger contest.
This post is taking part into Farfetch's sportwear fashion blogger contest.
1 comentarios
It's very nice! Do you have any fashion for outdoor sport like Roller Skates?