Chapelle Magazine #1yearparty at Astoria Palace Hotel
10:00 AM
It feels absolutely unreal to have one year route behind! I can't believe about a year ago I was asked to take part into this crazy, massive, eager project which is Chapelle Magazine. A new, unique fashion magazine concept born in Valencia thanks to a crew of hardworking, dreamy young designers, both professional and amateur fashion photographers, models, bloggers and writers who wanted to spread the word about trends and style away from fast-fashion and world-known regular magazines. Since then, I've been not only writing fashion-centric articles, but also helping and lending my hand in whatever I could do, from managing the website to help in the coordination of some of the events which have been held in the city.
Although being stucked on a total crazy, almost last week full of work and tons of things to do where I've been sleeping less than 5 hours per day and taking painkillers as breakfast (the massive headaches and bone aches are nothing I ever asked for), I was required to help behind the scenes of the #1yearcelebration of Chapelle Magazine, which was exhausting but very regarding. Focused on coming fashion trends for this 2015 Christmas season, we could enjoy a catwalk filled with party and formal outfits, a perfect fit for coming events and celebrations. Lots of white and golden hues, baroque vibes and different textures thanks to E. Jairycovich, Brotocó Atelier, Auba Roig, Ada Cerdá, Javier y Javier, Gustavo Lemos, Cubero-Quesada and Jaime Piquer.
Once again, a night to remember thanks to Astoria Palace Hotel and this incredible crew!

I was wearing:
Formul@ Joven black jacket
Vintage dress
Gloria Ortiz shoes
DIY Dior inspired neck scarf (you can see it here too)

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