About looks and self-confidence
10:00 AM
My looks don't define 100% of myself, and as much they're helpful sometimes, what I wear may also hurt me too. I used to be a very shy child, spent all my teen years afraid of what was being said of me, what people thought about how I looked and scared of being myself, to talk too much, to say something wrong. The other day I was talking about this with a really close friend I met in College two years ago now, and I can tell you I was totally dying of laughter when she remembered me what she thought about my looks and behaviour the first time we met. Basically I was the conceited, mean, know-it-all, first row sitting girl who had a fashion blog and was class president. Then we started working together, we became very good friends and have already walked a long friendship way together (and hoping to keep walking!). Cool, isn't it?
This should lead us to discuss the always around "do not judge someone on the first impression" cliche, but I won't be talking about that today because I want to go a little bit further. Making a first good impression matters. A lot. I was a really quiet girl who was really afraid of expressing what I thought or felt, and once I started changing the way I dressed, once I started doing fencing and sport, perfecting a makeup routine every morning, then I became more confident about myself. I've now realized that those physical changes helped me love ME and no-one else. That is the key about all this. Looks matter, not as much to others as you would think, but they matter if they make you confident enough to go out and do your best. For me, it's not only about how much effort I put on doing something, but a pair of beautiful shoes on my feet may help me step stronger if I need a boost of motivation that day. Or a bright red lipstick may help me smile a little bit more if I got out on the wrong side of bed. I encourage everyone, any age, any gender to always put on a piece that causes this effect on them. Because it finally isn't about what you wear, but how you feel wearing it.
This whole post about self-confidence and motivation was all because this pink pencil skirt, kitten heels and statement Fedora hat outfit was my boost of motivation and touch of color on that day. Some days ago, when I had to show a project I put lots of hours working at and just felt like I had to look as nice and neat as my project board ended. There's nothing too special about this outfit, but just the way those heels sounded on every step I took as I carried my almost 1m x 0.5 m panel to hang it on the wall of the classroom before presentations, just made me feel amazing.
Is there any outfit, accessory or piece of clothing which makes you feel like this too? Haven't you ever felt amazing once you know you've been successful on doing your job?

I was wearing:
Black Fedora hat from local store
Vintage Hermès Birkin bag
Black & pink pencil skirt from Zalando
Zendra kitten heels
BeLoved Valencia white coat
Marc by Marc Jacobs transparent sunglasses
Black Fedora hat from local store
Vintage Hermès Birkin bag
Black & pink pencil skirt from Zalando
Zendra kitten heels
BeLoved Valencia white coat
Marc by Marc Jacobs transparent sunglasses

1 comentarios
Beautiful words. I totally agree that dressing up is more about how it makes us feel. I especially like your handbag and your jacket. A beautiful handbag make me always feel special. :)