Starting a blog may be one of the easiest things ever. Keeping it, not so much. As a fashion blogger who has been writing for 5 years, and being one of those opening and closing multiple previous blogs for different reasons, I can now assure you that fashion blogging is one of the most enriching experiences I've ever lived. The reason behind the end of this previous blogs which arrived nowhere was mostly lack of motivation, and it's the key of why 9 of every 10 fashion blogs stop its operation on the first year (which is an absolute loss of creativity and content!).
Keeping a blog, and a fashion blog specifically is a hard job, I won't deny it. Is as hard as you want your fashion blog to be serious, proficient and professional looking. And a true challenge when you don't make a living of it, but you just blog for fun. That's my goal with Something Fashion.
So, as I know firsthand motivation is the key on keeping your fashion blog the highest possible, I made this blog to encourage you, dear reader or fashion blogger (or blogger-to-be) and give you some advice I've been trying myself for this long journey.
Step by step, little by little
Aren't you believing that the first day you start blogging, readers, visitors and followers will be falling directly from the sky, right?
I hope you are not, and aware that Rome wasn't built in just one day.
And because of that, I recommend you to set little goals instead of getting more than 1,000 readers on your first week, for example. Writing two or three posts before launching your blog, or getting two or three comments on your first week may be realistic goals on the short term.