Inspiration: Spring
9:30 AM
SPRING IS ALREADY HERE! After this cold, cloudy, and crazy winter we've had at Valencia (specially last days of the season) just looking for a cup of hot chocolate and staying warm under tons of blankets, looks like the sunlight and nice weather are finally approaching us.
I'm a lucky girl for not having any allergies because of pollen and weather changes, so I find Spring a nice moment to start again with recovered batteries and give the best of you to the world! Sometimes I feel like a teddy bear who just got up from a long nap, but it's what Spring makes me feel. It's finally that time of the year to remove the dust from my bright lipstick colors, start wearing florals and getting rid of some of the lots of layers I wear everyday to finally use fresh and comfortable dresses and skirts.
Following the first inspiration post I did about two months ago which had an incredible reception (THANK YOU ALL!) I thought it may be that time of the year to share some brights, textures and flowers, flowers everywhere!!

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