While some people are usually afraid of running out of inspiration, I always like to go and search for muses myself. That quick. They won't always come to you as you have to go look after them. And as they say "inspiration exist, but it has to find you working".
It may sound weird, but I'm thankful to my career (and also the blog!) for requiring me being looking for new stuff and inspiration every day. Specially if it comes on images or by graphic material, it's really boosting to create ideas not from zero, but from something I saw before and it's been stored on my brain. It can be anything: a pattern, a drawing, a picture, texture or color scheme. Sometimes it's amazing how a textile or design can give me ideas about a new architecture project I'm taking, or viceversa. That's the reason behind my Pinterest account where I store everything I like... Just in case, you know.
For those of you who don't have an account, or follow me yet, I've though about posting some inspiration posts featuring some images about a topic once or twice a month. I'm sure it'll be fun! You can also help me by sending your inspiration pics, topic ideas or whatever you want at somethingfashionblog@gmail.com You know I'm always up to propositions and sharing ideas! I thought a dose of industrial design featuring white, wood and clear lines would be a nice option to begin with this series. What do you think about it?