Happy holidays everyone!! I can't believe I'm finally having some days to rest, play dress up and go outside for taking some pictures and show you a bunch of new styles for this winter. After a super weird Autumn with warm days and the sun shinning all around, seems like regular Winter found Valencia and we've been enjoying some days of really freezing mornings and cosy-apparel-required evenings.
As I spent the last half a month full working on one of my class projects (which was exhausting until the last minute, but I could handle to finish it and do what I wanted to) it feels really nice to finally be wearing more dressy outfits not only for College, and be able to have some spare time to draw, design, think and go downtown. Speaking of which, remember this giveaway featuring one of my clutch designs?
Looks like I've been really attached lately to wear pink! I don't know, but this color has those nice vibes, that really strong hue and girly feel that I want to wear it everyday, specially when I've been really busy and I just feel like I have to stop... But I can't!