Colors, colors everywhere. Lately I've realized how difficult is for me pairing an outfit without adding always black as the color which ties every piece. Color block is a total mystery for me, but I'm always trying to improve and not change my style, but always try new things when mixing things and different colors and textures. I think this outfit was a good try.
It's been a total crazy for me, as always, but having a Physics exam on Friday makes everything even more difficult. It may be the subject I find most difficult to understand, maybe because it has 0% visual things. On my Projects lessons or in History I can always imagine how is going everything, what is this or that, how does it work... But all I can see in Physics is numbers and strange formulas. Frustrating. So, for those of you who follow Something Fashion on the social networks (Facebook and Google +) you might have seen me posting like a crazy thing #foodie pics, but, as Spring has sprung you have to take extra care of what you eat to stay the healthier possible! Specially if you're having a lot of mental and physical stress lately, just like me.
And final thing! About the #roomrehab thing. It's been a while, and is not finished at all (there's still tons of things to put on the closets, do some Spring ''happy'' cleaning and establish my desk as an organized and work space...) but again from the social networks, here you can see some sneak peaks of what I've been working on. Have fun!