Benavente white kimono - Something Fashion | Blog by Amanda R.

Benavente white kimono

9:00 AM

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White kimono from Benavente collection ''Ikebana Tori''. As you may remember, I wrote a post about it about a month ago, when the team of YOUNIQUE came to deliver it personally to me :)
I was really excited to finally wear it, but everything got complicated somewhat suddenly: trips, more pictures and projects to do, not really sure how to combine the kimono being all white, also injured my arm so had to carry with that bandage... Such a disaster.

Finally decided to experiment a little bit, and pair this white, silky kimono with a very minimalistic and simple outfit. I must recognize that I finally didn't like at all how it came with those bootcut black pants... I mean, now I see I have should paired it with a pair of skinny matte trousers or jeans for a more informal look as this is a really dressy piece. The bandage on my arm didn't help at all (I totally felt like a white mummy), so finally had to take it off for some minutes.

I think the red on the Michael Kors Jet Set bag, the vintage necklace and also on my lipstick gave the outfit a touch of needed color. With darkness around, and the shape of the sleeves of my kimono I was afraid of looking like a creepy ghost!

valencia something fashion blogger spain influencer streetstyle emerging designers la marina puerto beach white kimono inspiration_0166 copia

valencia something fashion blogger spain influencer streetstyle emerging designers la marina puerto beach white kimono inspiration_0176 copia

valencia something fashion blogger spain influencer streetstyle emerging designers la marina puerto beach white kimono inspiration_0177 copia

valencia something fashion blogger spain influencer streetstyle emerging designers la marina puerto beach white kimono inspiration_0182 copia

valencia something fashion blogger spain influencer streetstyle emerging designers la marina puerto beach white kimono inspiration_0186 copia
I was wearing:

Benavente white kimono via Younique
Local store pants and T-shirt
Vintage red neklace
Michael Kors ''Jet Set bag''
Zara white sandals

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valencia something fashion blogger spain influencer streetstyle emerging designers la marina puerto beach white kimono inspiration_0142 copia

valencia something fashion blogger spain influencer streetstyle emerging designers la marina puerto beach white kimono inspiration_0144 copia

valencia something fashion blogger spain influencer streetstyle emerging designers la marina puerto beach white kimono inspiration_0159 copia

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4 comentarios

  1. With the kimono as the highlight of this outfit, I think it is very nice. It would be even more so if it were a more traditional kimono or maybe had some lovely sort of pattern to it (like sakura (cherry blossom) prints or some blossoms). Not in love with the outfit, but it is a very nice outfit going with the black top, black pants, and white sandals. The red pops from the charming handbag and necklaces offer some nice diversion. So I say you've styled this quite well, Amanda.


  2. The kimono looks great on you, you look absolutely stunning love this outfit. Big thanks for the comment dear, keep in touch xx :)


  3. hola Amanda, tras estar superando un grave problema con el dominio de mi blog, aqui estoy de nuevo poco a poco, ahora es sweetstyleblog.es (antes era .com)

    me gusta mucho el kimono y cómo lo has combinado, un look estupendo, guapa!


  4. Genial combinado el kimono!! Muy guapa y el bolso...es precioso!! ^^ Un besazo.


About Amanda

About [span]me[/span]

Hi! I'm Amanda, from Valencia (Spain).

I like all things vintage and classy. I study Architecture and I'm an epée fencer.

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