As you know, I've been on the beach house for the whole weekend. I'm sorry I couldn't record the video tutorial I promised, but it had been two very busy days for me. We arrived on Friday by train, and I have spent the mornings helping with the furniture and stuff on the house. On the evenings, I've been soo tired that I've spent full evenings until night on the swimming pool, just doing nothing. I'm sorry for being so lazy.
I've also been playing with my new smartphone. As I'll return on Thursday to the beach (I'm here basically for my driving test) I left there most of the pictures I wanted to show you. Silly me. So, I think I just can show you the outfit I chose for going on the train until there (in case you want to know: the beach town's name is ''Oropesa'', and it's more or less 100km away from Valencia) and some pictures I took with my new phone (Samsung Galaxy Ace. It's too cute!).
Next week I'll try to go to the library there, so I can update the blog easily an show you in almost ''live stream'' everything (as I'm going to stay there for almost all August). By the moment, I'm only going to show you my outfit, because my camera and the rest of the pictures are there. I finally used the DiCarla necklace I showed you here and which I've been in love with too much.