3:16 AM
I'm very, very sorry because I couldn't post before. These last weeks have been crazy for me: I've been doing some DIY (I did another clutch! I'll show you), I went to the basketball game, I've been going out with my friends of the club and I start training next Thursday (and school on 15th!) so, it was totally impossible for me to write anything.
So... You already know about my LOVE to second hand and vintage things. Last day I started cleaning up my wardrobe because it was totally full, and looked like it was going to explode (no kidding). I had to take some clothes I don't usually wear to my grandma's house, and because you all know that I'm like a ''little squirrel'' and I love gossiping this kind of things, I started looking. I found leather jackets, old blazers and lots of stuff but... Just imagine my face when I saw this dress.

I don't actually know the story about it. I'm sure it's not my grandma's (could be my great-grandmother, or a grandma's friend who gave it to her...) and my mum says must be a wedding dress (at least, looks like one. It's not actually white, but like nude) of the 30's or 40's. I'm really curious about the story behind, so, I must ask my grandma when she returns of her vacations!

I'll tell you something when I know the story, I promise!
3 comentarios
gorgeous dress!
shop style conquer
Guapísima, te favorece un montón con los rasgos de muñequita que tienes. Besos?