I'm home! - Part II
11:57 AM
(OMG, can you see that pink car?!)
I've already been on home two days. All my lugagge is unpacked, and I'm still waiting for the things I sent by postal service. I've also being reorganising my closet, because I've bought some items and it's all messy: it feels like the poor little wardrobe is going to explode.
So, I've been thinking about seeling some clothes and stuff I have. I haven't found any place where I could sell them (do you remember this post? Now you might now that in my city is very difficult to find thirft and second hand stores) and the ones I've found, they don't buy clothes, or they aren't accepting them by the moment.
Right now, I've been posting some ads on secondhand websites and things like eBay, but I'm not sure people would buy my clothes, although they're in perfect conditions. I've been thinking about posting them here on the blog, so people can see them much easier and contact me too :)
What do you think about the idea?? Would you buy something? By now, I let you see the rest of pictures I took on Mallorca.
(Bellver Castle)
(The coast)
I was wearing:
Second hand black top
DKNY bag
Lys flower sandals
Easy Wear denim shorts
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post them on your blog!